Housewarming , cotton rope, selenite, rose quartz, tibetan quartz, clear quartz, calcite, pyrite, black tourmaline, approx 18" x 2'

Housewarming, cotton rope, selenite, rose quartz, tibetan quartz, clear quartz, calcite, pyrite, black tourmaline, approx 18" x 2'

  Void , cotton rope, selenite, pyrite, vintage chandelier glass, amethyst, clear quartz, approx 1' x 2'

Void, cotton rope, selenite, pyrite, vintage chandelier glass, amethyst, clear quartz, approx 1' x 2'

  Threshold , cotton rope, selenite, lemurian quartz, larimar, citrine, jasper, tiger's eye, black tourmaline, jaw bone, clear quartz, aqua aura quartz, ammonite, vanadinite, agate, amethyst

Threshold, cotton rope, selenite, lemurian quartz, larimar, citrine, jasper, tiger's eye, black tourmaline, jaw bone, clear quartz, aqua aura quartz, ammonite, vanadinite, agate, amethyst

  Nest   Essentia , butcher string and cotton rope, approx 2 x 2 x 12 feet

Nest Essentia, butcher string and cotton rope, approx 2 x 2 x 12 feet

  Rainbow and the Flower , mixed yarn and wire, variable dimensions

Rainbow and the Flower, mixed yarn and wire, variable dimensions

  First Weaving , weaving, crochet, selenite crystals, ribbon, and leather, approx 4 x 5 feet

First Weaving, weaving, crochet, selenite crystals, ribbon, and leather, approx 4 x 5 feet

  This is a Red Tent , mixed textiles, selenite crystals, blood, variable dimensions

This is a Red Tent, mixed textiles, selenite crystals, blood, variable dimensions

  After Patsy , mixed textiles, paint, selenite crystal, approx 3 1/2 x 5 feet

After Patsy, mixed textiles, paint, selenite crystal, approx 3 1/2 x 5 feet

  The Myth of the Wawalag Sisters , mixed textiles, embroidery, and feather, 8 x 10 inches

The Myth of the Wawalag Sisters, mixed textiles, embroidery, and feather, 8 x 10 inches

  The Maiden and the Unicorn , mixed textiles with embroidery and paint, 8 x 10 inches

The Maiden and the Unicorn, mixed textiles with embroidery and paint, 8 x 10 inches

  The Rainbow Circle , embroidery on linen with paint, wire, leather, and quartz crystals, 22 x 20 inches

The Rainbow Circle, embroidery on linen with paint, wire, leather, and quartz crystals, 22 x 20 inches

  Everyday, a Birth Canal , mixed yarn, 24 x 52 inches

Everyday, a Birth Canal, mixed yarn, 24 x 52 inches

  Doodle   III , mixed yarn with glass bead, 8 x 13 inches

Doodle III, mixed yarn with glass bead, 8 x 13 inches

  Reciprocity Offering for True Love , mixed botanicals, dimensions variable

Reciprocity Offering for True Love, mixed botanicals, dimensions variable

  Reciprocity Offering to the Financial District , mixed botanicals with stones, dimensions variable

Reciprocity Offering to the Financial District, mixed botanicals with stones, dimensions variable

  Housewarming , cotton rope, selenite, rose quartz, tibetan quartz, clear quartz, calcite, pyrite, black tourmaline, approx 18" x 2'
  Void , cotton rope, selenite, pyrite, vintage chandelier glass, amethyst, clear quartz, approx 1' x 2'
  Threshold , cotton rope, selenite, lemurian quartz, larimar, citrine, jasper, tiger's eye, black tourmaline, jaw bone, clear quartz, aqua aura quartz, ammonite, vanadinite, agate, amethyst
  Nest   Essentia , butcher string and cotton rope, approx 2 x 2 x 12 feet
  Rainbow and the Flower , mixed yarn and wire, variable dimensions
  First Weaving , weaving, crochet, selenite crystals, ribbon, and leather, approx 4 x 5 feet
  This is a Red Tent , mixed textiles, selenite crystals, blood, variable dimensions
  After Patsy , mixed textiles, paint, selenite crystal, approx 3 1/2 x 5 feet
  The Myth of the Wawalag Sisters , mixed textiles, embroidery, and feather, 8 x 10 inches
  The Maiden and the Unicorn , mixed textiles with embroidery and paint, 8 x 10 inches
  The Rainbow Circle , embroidery on linen with paint, wire, leather, and quartz crystals, 22 x 20 inches
  Everyday, a Birth Canal , mixed yarn, 24 x 52 inches
  Doodle   III , mixed yarn with glass bead, 8 x 13 inches
  Reciprocity Offering for True Love , mixed botanicals, dimensions variable
  Reciprocity Offering to the Financial District , mixed botanicals with stones, dimensions variable

Housewarming, cotton rope, selenite, rose quartz, tibetan quartz, clear quartz, calcite, pyrite, black tourmaline, approx 18" x 2'

Void, cotton rope, selenite, pyrite, vintage chandelier glass, amethyst, clear quartz, approx 1' x 2'

Threshold, cotton rope, selenite, lemurian quartz, larimar, citrine, jasper, tiger's eye, black tourmaline, jaw bone, clear quartz, aqua aura quartz, ammonite, vanadinite, agate, amethyst

Nest Essentia, butcher string and cotton rope, approx 2 x 2 x 12 feet

Rainbow and the Flower, mixed yarn and wire, variable dimensions

First Weaving, weaving, crochet, selenite crystals, ribbon, and leather, approx 4 x 5 feet

This is a Red Tent, mixed textiles, selenite crystals, blood, variable dimensions

After Patsy, mixed textiles, paint, selenite crystal, approx 3 1/2 x 5 feet

The Myth of the Wawalag Sisters, mixed textiles, embroidery, and feather, 8 x 10 inches

The Maiden and the Unicorn, mixed textiles with embroidery and paint, 8 x 10 inches

The Rainbow Circle, embroidery on linen with paint, wire, leather, and quartz crystals, 22 x 20 inches

Everyday, a Birth Canal, mixed yarn, 24 x 52 inches

Doodle III, mixed yarn with glass bead, 8 x 13 inches

Reciprocity Offering for True Love, mixed botanicals, dimensions variable

Reciprocity Offering to the Financial District, mixed botanicals with stones, dimensions variable

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